Wednesday, April 24, 2024

Under the Kilt: Me first

Courtesy of Pexels There has to be a balance between what you do for others and what you do for yourself. We all have responsibilities to others and...

Under The Kilt: Breaking off toxic relationships

In high school, I was in a very toxic friendship with someone who I had considered my best friend. We were inseparable. We were childhood besties, and our friendship was going on 12 years...
Courtesy of Pexels

Under the kilt: Do we have to break up?

If one or both partners move, can their relationship last? I think yes. Distance doesn’t make a relationship more likely to fail; it just puts a relationship to the test and forces both partners...

Under the Kilt: Helping a friend undergoing relationship abuse

As companions who deeply care about, treasure and appreciate our friends, seeing one of them go through a physically or emotionally abusive relationship is the last thing we want to experience. It’s cruel, it’s...

Under the Kilt: Sexual policing, a crime too common

Something that’s been on my mind for some time, that in many ways is difficult to talk about, is the way I’ve noticed the immense amount of judgment and sexual policing other women give...

Under the Kilt: Creepy and Sexy — Two sides to the same coin?

As a 21-year-old heterosexual male, I am blessed in that I have to contend with barely any double-standards in the realms of courtship and love. However, there is one such double-standard that does possibly...

A Beginner’s Guide to online dating

We’ve all heard stories about marriages that came from online dating websites. There’s also the negative side of online dating such as the Tinder horror stories Buzzfeed writes about every year or so. However,...

Under the kilt: Holiday inn or you out?

Flames crackle from the fireplace, burning under the stockings that are filled to the brim. Frost encircles the windowpane outside, glowing from the lights above. The aroma of freshly baked cookies lingers overhead, carrying...

Under the Kilt: dealing with a breakup during a pandemic

Courtesy of Pexels Breakups are already tough, but they may be even harder when you’re in the middle of a global pandemic. Feelings are running high; not only...

Under the Kilt: Living with your S.O.

Sporting my Jamba Juice cashier uniform, I asked, "Can I get you anything else?" "Your number," said the rather charming retail store clerk — and three months later, we found ourselves converting the garage...