Wednesday, April 24, 2024

The midterm elections will surely change America – and young people must take part

  Nov. 6, 2018 is the date of the first midterm elections since 2014, where California voters will have a say in local, statewide and national issues ranging from our city councilmembers to the prices...

College student government should work for the students, but ultimately ignores their needs

Student government election season is always obvious, as brightly colored posters are plastered up all throughout the campus. Candidates come up with snappy slogans and promise to do everything they can to make the...

School boards have to transcend politics even when nothing else does

The Temecula Valley Unified School District’s (TVUSD) board president, Josepth Komrosky, has become the target of a recall after a petition demanding his removal gained enough signatures to be added to the ballot. The...

The threat of Trump is a signal to become politically active

Election Day 2016 will certainly be a memorable day for Americans, and for all the wrong reasons. Most people, this editorial board included, probably did not expect Donald Trump to win the presidency. Nevertheless,...

Building back better: With the election over and won, the real challenge starts now

As this year’s tumultuous election comes to an end, so does the formidable Trump administration—paving the way for a new era of politics in America with President-elect Joe Biden. While Biden and Vice President-elect...

Editorial: Private funding only part of a long-term solution

Here we are, back again from another winter break and about to begin another quarter. While the schoolwork went on a two-week hiatus, the rest of the world continued to turn, and while everyone...

It’s time to take a closer look at the Cal Grant and its systemic...

The longer this year goes on, the more apparent it becomes that even the most generous sources of Californian financial aid are outdated. The Cal Grant program, which offers some of the greatest student...

Editorial: Behind the veil of ASUCR

This week students get to have their say over who represents them on the ASUCR Senate. The decisions we make can have huge implications over the way our student fees are allocated, how we’re...

Politicians must not allow NRA donations to keep them from acting on guns

Americans are still reeling from the trauma brought forth by the school shooting that took place on Wednesday, Feb. 14 at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, FL. A conversation that is all...

The legacy of big box stores has come to an end

Bed Bath & Beyond, once a leading home goods company, is closing its doors for the last time on June 30. Bed Bath & Beyond, founded in 1971, is one of the many leading...