Wednesday, May 8, 2024
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Tag: laptopping

ASUCR changes elections, but ignores the problems that need fixing

In light of the controversies that swept UCR during elections last year, ASUCR has made significant changes to the set of bylaws that will...

Highlander Newsroom (2/10/16)

This week in the Highlander Newsroom, we chat about ASPB's Sound Clash talent competition and the Winter SOULstice lineup, ASUCR's decision to reverse the...

ASUCR removes laptopping bylaw

At last week’s senate meeting, amendments were made to the standing ASUCR election bylaws. Major changes were made to remove the ban on laptopping...

Editorial: Senatorial elections mired in laptopping controversy

Last week, the UCR community learned that several representatives of the ASUCR political party CR were caught using their laptops to campaign outside of...